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Leaders Partnering with Leaders
Missouri public schools belong to the communities they serve. Responsibility for governing and leading these public bodies is granted to the locally elected board and the education professionals it hires to lead the school district. To fulfill these responsibilities, boards and superintendents must have the services of a dedicated partner who is committed to supporting the district with training, assessment, planning, and professional guidance to build a strong governance team.
Suite of Services
Board of Education & Superintendent Development
To effectively meet the challenges of public education, school boards and superintendents must function together as a leadership team. Each leadership team must annually assess its development needs both as a governing body and as individuals.
Governance/CSIP/Strategic Planning for MSIP 6
If you want to end with student success, you must begin with a strategic plan for governing the District. We believe that only the Board of Education, as the elected governing body of the District, can establish such a plan and set the direction for the District.
Leadership Transition Services
The average tenure of a superintendent seems to grow shorter each year. Every April, as a result of elections, many school districts experience a change in their board composition.
“Educators are arc benders. Teachers and school leaders bend the arc of the lives of the children they serve upward each day, sometimes directly, sometimes indirectly, and frequently in ways that cannot be readily seen or quantified. The true impact of an educator is often best defined by conscience.”
– Duane Martin, EGL Team Member
Here For You
Our team will be available during these stressful times to help district leaders think through all the complexities of an issue so your district’s leadership and governance team can make the very best decisions for district students and stakeholders.